AgriFood Lithuania (AFL) is a non-profit cluster organisation established in 2011 in Vilnius, Lithuania. AFL brings together major research, business and public stakeholders in Lithuania for the common mission of transforming agriculture, food and associated sectors with digital-based innovations. AFL links its stakeholders with international and cross-sectorial initiatives, provides all-round dedicated support in the research, development and deployment of agri-food innovations, and fosters the competence and capacity growth of the innovation ecosystem in general. The cluster is also operating as a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) and has been acknowledged by the EC Joint Research Centre as an example DIH with excellence in sectoral specialisation. Together with a consortium of national partners, AFL has been selected as one of Lithuania’s European Digital Innovation Hubs. |
Role in the project:
AFL leads the work package 3 (WP3) which focuses on “Piloting in real conditions”. The goal is to co-create and pilot the defined ADSs for small farms within 18 Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs). Additionally, AFL contributes to Farmtopia’s Lithuanian SIP on industrial hemp and participates in all the WPs of the project.