HomeFarmtopia Ecosystem: Collaborating projects, synergies and media partnerships

Farmtopia Ecosystem: Collaborating projects, synergies and media partnerships

Welcome to Farmtopia’s synergies and collaborations corner, where we highlight our partnerships with our sister projects, other EU projects, media organizations, and different innitiatives.

At Farmtopia, we understand the importance of fostering relationships and collaborations within digital farming and beyond. Networking and synergies are integral parts of our mission to create a sustainable and thriving agricultural community, open to all.

Sister Projects:

Farmtopia’s sister projects are initiatives funded under the same call as Farmtopia, specifically HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-02-two-stage (Smart solutions for the use of digital technologies for small- and medium-sized, farms and farm structures).
To empower farmers worldwide, PHITO is developing an app that provides personalized farming advice, enhancing competitiveness and sustainability. By fostering collaboration among farmers, consumers, and providers of agricultural goods and services, PHITO goes beyond farming, contributing to an inclusive and environmentally conscious agricultural sector.
GUARDIANS empowers small- and medium-sized farms with smart solutions, bridging the gap with larger food producers. The project’s digital solutions will be tested in 4 countries with different environmental, climatic, and socio-economic conditions: Spain, Italy, Sweden, and the Czech Republic. The digital solutions cover 11 use cases involving crops and livestock, and will be initially refined in 4 testbeds, to be later implemented in 6 pilots, for a total of 21 farms and farm structures. Later, 2 calls for replicators will bring the number of farms to 89.

Farmtopia’s sister projects, along with Copa Cogeca, form the Farmtopia Expert Advisory Board. This board, dedicated to consulting via strategic orientation and outreach, convenes annually to:

  • Offer external perspectives on project activities and feedback on findings, emphasizing technological aspects related to the design and application of agricultural digital solutions in real-world conditions, result evaluation, and data usage.
  • Guide the execution of the suggested decisions to align with strategic goals and optimize outcomes.
  • Enhance dissemination efforts by leveraging networks and affiliations to maximize outreach and impact of projects.

Collaborating Projects and Initiatives

The EU Horizon project OpenAgri aims to provide remote farmers with free, open-source (OS) Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs) that work in areas with limited network connectivity. It also goes beyond connectivity, offering sustainable solutions to increase food production, lower operational costs, and reduce the environmental footprint. Through 14 Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs), 5 core and 9 selected through an Open Call, OpenAgri promotes knowledge exchange, fostering a more inclusive agricultural sector. The Open Call will facilitate the development and trial of innovative Open Source ADSs.
The IPM Decisions Platform provides a “one stop shop” for decisions support in integrated pest management. It is a web-based framework providing farmers, advisors and researchers access to a wide range of Decision Support Systems and weather data from across Europe through a set of four dashboards. The platform provides the ability to assess the reliability and suitability of different Decision Support Systems so they can select those that are most suited to their needs.
QuantiFarm focuses on supporting the further deployment of Digital Agricultural Technology Solutions (DATS) as key enablers for enhancing sustainability performance and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. To achieve this, the project also aims to establish an Assessment Framework, measuring the DATS impact through innovative tools, services and recommendations for farmers, advisors and policymakers.
PATH2DEA’s general objective is to support digitalisation as an enabler of agroecology in the scope of European Farming Systems, thus catalysing farming systems transition towards more sustainability. The project aims at connecting the so far isolated major assets in digital agroecology. PATH2DEA plans to set up a robust knowledge base in the frame of an Open Source Repository of digital tools and technologies in agroecology with decision support functionalities and an established R&I Roadmap for guiding digital agroecology transition.
Agroecology Map is an open data technology platform that allows mapping and sharing agroecological experiences with the aim of bringing people together to strengthen and create new collaboration networks that enhance the sharing of real experiences of initiatives that promote sustainable, regenerative and fair development through agroecology. Agroecology Map is aso a free software, which means that all source code (knowledge), as well as its data, are free and can be (re)used and shared freely. This non-profit organization is maintained with the help of a group of volunteers passionate about agroecology.
TALLHEDA is a Horizon Europe project that aims to build a new long-term Alliance for Digital Agriculture between agricultural Higher Education Institutes from two Widening countries Greece and Serbia with leading non-widening agricultural universities, and local and international stakeholders from Belgium. TALLHEDA Alliance will contribute to raising the critical mass of highly skilled scientists and to establishing liaisons with surrounding ecosystems, in order to foster the Quadruple Helix of innovation in Widening countries.
CrackSense tackles fruit cracking in citrus, pomegranates, table grapes, and sweet cherries by developing and upscaling advanced sensing technologies and by utilising real-time data collection. Experiments and pilots in Israel, France, Germany, Greece, and Lithuania will merge and integrate collected data into EU-wide datasets, including Earth Observation Data (Copernicus). Standardised data will feed AI models to predict fruit cracking. The CrackSense web platform will allow users to forecast and reduce cracking risks, potentially halving yield losses and boosting profits by 50%.

Media Partnerships:

Wikifarmer is a global platform with the mission of empowering farmers through education, offering them access to the open market to sell their products at fair prices.


Project Coordination:

Mr Dionisis Solomos


Methonis 6 Kai
Spiliotopoulou 18545,


Project Communication:

Dušan Pevac

Foodscale Hub

Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8
21000 Novi Sad,



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