The project comprises of 18 Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs). Of these, 9 pilots have already been pre-selected, while the remaining 9 will be awarded through an Open Call. The SIPs primarily target specific crops and livestock for which existing ADSs are underdeveloped and inadequate, as well as regional crops of significance.
Sustainable Innovation Pilots
SIP Leader: Vasilis Papaspiliou (NP)
Sector: Organic avocado / fruit
Countries Involved: Greece
Partners involved:
NP: SIP leader, ADS provider
GAIA: Farmers
Farmers involved: AgriCoop of Organic Producers
of Chania (3rd party) – 7 farmers + advisor
SIP Leader: Christos Charisis (UCD)
Sector: Mushroom Production / Organic Oyster Mushrooms
Countries Involved: Hungary, Germany, Ireland
Partners involved:
UCD: SIP leader, ADS provider
PILZE, HLP: Mushroom and substrate producers; Farmers
Farmers involved: Network of mushroom growers
in Germany, Hungary and Ireland + advisor
SIP Leader: Govaerts & Co bv
Sector: Dairy sheep and goats
Countries Involved: Netherlands/France/Belgium
Partners involved:
Govaerts & Co : SIP leader;
KUL: ADS provider, farmers
SIP Leader: Simonas Audickas (ART21)
Sector: Arable / Industrial Hemp
Countries Involved: Lithuania
Partners involved:
ART21: SIP leader, ADS provider
AFL: Farmers/DIH
Farmers involved: Jasiukaiciu ukis, Bagdanonis Lazdiju raj. ~10ha
SIP Leader: Tomaz Bokan (ITC)
Sector: Arable/Cereals & oilseed crops
Countries Involved: Slovenia, Ukraine
Partners involved:
ITC: SIP leader, ADS provider
Farmers involved: Arable farmers Pomurje (3rd party through KGZS) – 5 farmers
SIP Leader: Agricolus S.r.l.
Sector: Carrot/vegetable
Countries Involved: Italy
Partners involved:
AGR: SIP leader
Farmers involved: 3 carrot-growing farms in North-East
Italy, Abruzzo and Sicily, with farms of average 5ha size.
SIP Leader: Viorel D. Marin (ANAMOB)
Sector: Dairy/cows
Countries Involved: Romania
Partners involved:
ANAMOB: SIP leader, SmartRDI provider
Farmers involved: 2 small meat and dairy farms
SIP Leader: Caroline Desbourdes (ARVALIS)
Sector: Arable crops (maize and wheat)
Countries Involved: France
Partners involved:
ARVALIS : SIP leader, farmers
Carbon Bee : Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADS)
Farmers involved: 2 medium-sized farms (100ha) from
the “Digifermes” network of farms, located in the
Meuse (East France) and Ile de France (Central France).
SIP Leader: Fotios Deligiannis, Sofia Mouseti (AUA)
Sector: Arable and Fruit/Field and fodder crops, grapes
Countries Involved: France
Partners involved:
AUA: SIP leader, ADS provider
FRCuma: Farmers
Farmers involved: 15 CUMA managers/farmers (engaged
from FRCuma and the national CUMA Federation)