Our Services – Reusable Software Components, are designed to be used in the development and deployment of Agricultural Digital Solutions (ADSs),
aiming to increase their uptake by the small and medium farms. These services play a vital role in supporting and promoting our
Sustainable Innovation Pilots (SIPs), addressing real-world on-farm challenges, and fostering sustainable agricultural practices.
To ensure maximum impact and usability, the services are being tested, validated, and refined through our SIPs.
Note: This version is not the final version and will be updated iteratively based on insights gathered during the test period of pilots.
Services Document: Farmtopia Reusable Software Components – Guidelines
Farmtopia Reusable Software Components:
-Core Farmtopia Services:
-Digital Field Book
-Data Exchange Service
-Data Integration Module
-Additional Farmtopia Services:
-Farm Benchmarking and Notification Service
-Digital Platform for ADS Sharing (in Progress)